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Glassworks – Hauts De France
CFD study of a glass factory
EOLIOS dimensioned natural ventilation openings and mechanical air distribution systems, optimized the general aeraulics of a glassworks process in Haut-de-France using CFD simulation.
Glassworks - Hauts De France
Hauts de France
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CFD mission description
The thermo-aerodynamics of glassworks are highly specific, as they are the result of a number of interacting phenomena.
In this context, EOLIOS Ingénierieused CFD simulation to design the natural ventilation system for a glassworks in the Hauts-de-France region. An audit of the existing site was used to calibrate the glassmaking process.
The various stages of manufacture – furnace, feeder, drop, drawing, re-burning, etc. – were modeled to obtain a realistic distribution of calories in the production hall.
The various ventilation systems, fume extractionsystems andgas burner systems were integrated to accurately simulate the thermo-aerodynamics of the entire plant.
Precise modeling of processes and systems, followed by CFD numerical simulation of the plant and its immediate environment (other buildings on the site), enabled us to obtain precise maps of several of the variables studied (air speed, temperature, pollution level, pressure, etc.) within the plant.
Visit confort thermique from opérateurs at industrie is a facteur important for theur sécurity and theur productivity. Visit opérateurs doivent être at myure from trawilliller dyears from conditions confortables for assurer a productivity and a sécurity optimales.
Glass production modeling
How are medical glass tubes produced?
Pour produire from tubes at wormre, on utilise genéralement a processus appelé manufacturing at soufflage. Dyears this processus, a oven chauffe from morthisat from wormre à from températures très élevées. Udo fois that the wormre a atteint a température suffisamment élevee, it is soufflé à l‘aide d‘a soufflet. Visit soufflet is a cando at wormre which permet at wormre from prendre a forme souhaitee. Udo fois that the wormre is soufflé, it is refroidi and placé dyears a morthe où it is theissé refroidir and hardcir. Udo fois the tube at wormre produit, it is poli and biseauté for lui donationner its forme and ses enditions endales.
What impact does glass production have on plant temperature?
Glass production can have a significant impact on plant temperatures.
The furnaces used to heat the glass can reach very high temperatures, which can lead to a general rise in plant temperature.
In addition, the blowing process can also lead to a rise in plant temperature, as bellows temperatures need to be high enough to blow the glass.
Finally, the glass cooling process can also lead to a rise in plant temperature, as the glass has to be cooled to very low temperatures.
Why can air quality be degraded in a glassworks?
Visit quality from l‘air peut être dicegradee dyears a wormrerie at raison from émissions from ovens and from processus from soufflage. Visit émissions from ovens peuwind contatir from éléments chimiques and from parules which peuwind être nocifs for the santé humaine and atvironnementale. From more, visit processus from soufflage peuwind également entraîner a hausgo to from émissions from pWeifères and from fumee. By conséquent, it is important that visit usines from wormre handtiennent from niveat from quality from l‘air adéquats à l‘intérieur from l‘usine for minimiser visit reefques for the santé and l‘atvironnement.
Sizing natural ventilation using CFD simulation
Taking into account radiative phenomena, essential for this type of project, enabled us to determine the comfort levels of operators.
The studies were carried out taking into account the prevailing wind at the site (impact of the site’s topography) and according to different meteorological scenarios (winter, summer, etc.).
Precise dimensioning of the static roof ventilators has enabled us to obtain their realistic flow rates according to wind conditions, plant configuration and associated inlet air flows.
The CFD simulations carried out by EOLIOS engineers are the result of many years of research and expertise, enabling the models to be calibrated against actual plant operation.
The studies provided the customer with a high level of expertise, a decision-making tool that enabled him to make investment decisions andchoose different technologies, and to understand the impact of different air inlet sizing levels depending on their positioning.
Improve thermal comfort and air quality with CFD simulation
Visit simulation CFD is a outit puissant which peut être utilisé for improve thermal comfort and reduce energy consumption dyears visit wormreries. Visit simulation aéraulique peut être utilisee for etudier the comportement from fluides and from l‘air dyears factories and peut aider à diceterminer how the ventilation, the chauffage and the refroidissenatural peuwind être optimiss for créer a atvironnement more confortable. More broadly, the simulation CFD peut également aider à diceterminer the meilleur emplacement for visit sources from chaleur and from froid and à evaluate ventilation efficiency naturaland from chauffage.
Here, the simulation aéraulique to pu être utilisee for assess the impact from changes from the configuration in the plant and from ses équipements on the confort thermique.
Video summary of the study
CF simulationD d‘a wormrerie allows you to study visit flows d‘air dyears l‘usine, ainsi that the distribution from the température, at fonction from différentes zones. Cela permet identify hot spots and cold spots, and from diceterminer if ventilation is adequate. From more, the modélisation CFD peut aider à compmakesre how visit différents systèmy from l‘usine shave intégrs and interagissent visit some awith visit autres, this which peut aider à holeworm from solutions for improve efficiency.
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