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Fire safety engineering

EOLIOS specializes in engineering and project management.

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Fire safety engineering

EOLIOS fire safety design office

As a fire safety design office we put our expertise and experience our expertise and experience to help you guarantee the safety of your facilities and occupants.

At EOLIOS Ingénierie, we understand the crucial importance of fire safety in every project .

Our team of highly qualified engineers specialize in design, planning and implementation of state-of-the-art fire safety solutions .

We work closely with you to understand your specific needs and develop customized strategies that meet your requirements while complying with the most stringent standards and regulations.

Our fire safety engineering skills

  • In-depth knowledge of standards and regulations: Mastery of fire safety codes and regulations, such as the National Fire Code, national building codes, International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards and local regulations.
  • Risk assessment: Ability to evaluate the fire risks in a given building or space, identifying potential sources of fire, existing fire prevention systems, any weak points and the measures needed to correct them.
  • Fire safety planning: Ability to draw up fire prevention plans based on identified risks, proposing fire prevention, detection, alarm and suppression measures tailored to project specifications.
  • Fire safety system design: expertise in the design and engineering of fire safety systems, such as fire detection systems, sprinkler systems, smoke extraction systems, fire alarm systems and emergency lighting systems.
  • Analysis of construction plans: Ability to analyze construction plans and identify fire safety requirements, ensuring that the building’s materials, structure and technical systems meet fire safety standards.
  • Coordination of the various parties involved: Ability to work closely with architects, civil engineers, contractors and regulatory authorities to ensure compliance with fire safety standards and effectively integrate fire safety systems into the design and construction process.
  • Project management: Competence in managing fire safety projects, including planning, monitoring, risk assessment, meeting deadlines and budgets, and coordinating the work team.
  • Fire safety awareness: Ability to provide training and awareness sessions to employees, building occupants and emergency response teams, to promote fire awareness and preparedness.
  • Technology watch and R&D: Competence in researching and analyzing new technologies and the latest trends in fire safety, making sure to keep up to date with advanced techniques and industry best practices.

Our fire safety engineering assignments

Meeting your fire safety needs: EOLIOS INGENIERIE at your side

EOLIOS INGENIERIE is a design office specialized and expert in the field of fire safety engineering (SDSI, COSSI, ATEX Explosion, RCCI) the smoke control engineering from asbestos risk the industrial risk analysis MOSAR SADT and safety .

Our engineers are trainers and consultants at CNPP which enables us to maintain a constant technological and regulatory watch .

In terms of added value, EOLIOS Ingénierie can support all types of establishments or activities :

- All types of ERP
- BUP labor code


EOLIOS Ingénierie can support you in your safety and security projects as Private or public project owners .

We design and estimate the costs of construction, renovation or rehabilitation work in the areas of fire safety, SDSI, explosion, smoke extraction and security according to the various study phases (Diagnosis, possible, APS, APD, PRO/DCE, ACTE).

EOLIOS Ingénierie organizes and monitors the work during the execution phase.

EOLIOS Ingénierie assists the project owner during acceptance operations and during the period of perfect completion of the works.

We act as Project management and project owner assistance (technical studies, supervision of execution and acceptance) for the design of fire safety systems for new projects or the refurbishment of existing establishments.


Our COSSI missions :

Draws up the fire safety concept and functional specifications for the SSI.

Takes charge of monitoring the implementation and technical acceptance of the SSI.

Our Fire Safety Systems Coordination (CSSI) missions ensure the technical and functional coherence of fire safety systems, and are carried out in compliance with standards NFS 61-931, NFS 61-932 and NFS 61-970 , and all regulatory texts, in particular the “Règlement de sécurité contre l’incendie relatif aux établissements recevant du public” (ERP).

Thanks to our experience, EOLIOS Ingénierie helps to ensure that regulatory requirements are properly integrated into architectural projects.

Our SSI Coordination (CSSI) assignments include :

  • Analysis of the operator’s requirements synopsis, concept
  • Writing functional notes and CCFs (functional specifications)
  • Analysis of the minutes of the Safety Commission.
  • Drafting of safety documents for use by the Inspection Offices and Safety Services at all stages (APS, APD, PRO, DCE): We support you at every stage in the examination of your file by the SDIS Prevention Department, right up to the ‘Avis d’Autorisation d’Ouverture’ issued after the Safety Commission has passed.
  • Drawing up the fire-safety instructions for the building attached to the Building Permit or the Request for Authorization to Work file, in collaboration with all team members.
  • Design and dimensioning of smoke extraction systems in compliance with IT 246.
  • Design of rescue equipment (Articles MS)
  • Participation in meetings to set up the project during the project phase with the Bureau de Contrôle, and particularly before the launch of the consultation process to draw up the preliminary report for the submission of a PC or AT.
  • Gather and analyze documents and execution plans produced by the companies, to enable a SSI Identity File to be submitted at the end of the operation, in accordance with appendix B of NF S 61-970.
  • Verification of proper execution of work of the SSI with participation in site meetings
  • Acceptance of work of installation of the SSI with fireplace or substitution type => RRT
  • Follow-up on removal of reservations and drawing up the SSI acceptance report.

Fire safety and smoke control engineering

Smoke and smoke extraction audit

EOLIOS carries out audits and assessments of smoke extraction systems (natural and mechanical) in ERP, IGH, BUP, ICPE.
We assess and analyze the performance of existing smoke extraction systems, to ensure their proper operation and compliance with fire safety standards.
Our experts carry out comprehensive audits to identify any malfunctions, propose corrective measures and optimize the efficiency of smoke extraction systems.

Our multidisciplinary teams are made up of senior fire risk engineers, former firefighters and engineers specializing in fire-related fluid mechanics.

Smoke extraction engineering

It is imperative to to design installations with adequate occupant safety and fire safety regulations .
Nos études ont fourni les architectes et les ingénieurs à
simulate fire and smoke propagation to design smoke extraction systems for buildings, subway railways and other facilities open to the public.

Play Video
Engineering smoke extraction in a theater

The aim is to evaluate and understand the airflow profile and smoke propagation over time in the space concerned during a fire. .
L’étude met également en évidence les
possible design improvements by controlling airflow models identification of dead air pockets evaluation of the average air age the fan projection and air velocities in the building industry.

It is possible to evaluate the performance of system performance using CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) (Computational Fluid Dynamics) analysis and study and study smoke movement, temperature and visibility profile taking into account various fire scenarios .

Change of scenery planned for 2024: essoc law

Project owners can call on EOLIOS Ingénierie (ORC) with a view to proposing SEE (Solutions Equivalentes Economiques); submit an application for a certificate of compliance with attestation of compliance with fire safety objectives ORC will analyze the application, validate the SEEs and issue a certificate of compliance with the objectives; once the work has been completed, the auditor will certify that the fire safety objectives have been met.

"In 2024, EOLIOS is undergoing ORC accreditation, more information to come."

To this end, EOLIOS ingénierie can assist its customers with ISI studies of smoke ventilation and RCCI.

Specialized in fire safety master plans for ERP (types U, J, O, R, L, P, S…), IGH, ICPE and industry, ECP management ing relies on several recognized tools:

  • MOSAR and SADT (ENVISION software used in the aeronautics sector)
  • INSSI (CNPP tools and standards 6011, R8, R6)
  • AGR (global risk analysis) and functional analysis
    => école CentraleSupélec
R6 - Fire and industrial risk management

Regulatory documents

Regulatory requirements: the law

The regulatory requirements must be applied.
The aim is to
protect the worker .
Tout écart à la réglementation implique des
legal risks for the site operator.
Compliance with each requirement must be
justified on request .
Par expérience, il est
but it is possible in the Industry to change certain requirements with solid, legitimate arguments. The agreement of the competent authorities remains imperative .

The Labor Code

Visit Labor Code is to set the standards for employees’ working conditions .
Concernant la sécurité, un
simple principle is generalized employer is required by law to take all necessary measures to ensure the safety ensure the safety and protect the physical and mental health of their employees .

The requirements of the requirements of the French Labor Code to limit the employer’s liability in the event of an accident.

The Environment Code

The Environment Code specifies the rules governing the design and operation of relatively large industrial sites. .
La règle générale concernant l’incendie est que
any disaster must be contained within the site .

The requirements of the environmental code relate to ICPE classification (Installations Classées pour la Protection de l’Environnement). Each activity has its own requirements. In particular, it includes majoring requirements for smoke control .

Prefectoral decrees

The prefectoral decrees are often a marriage marriages between the environment code, the labor code and the operating application file .
Ils doivent être systématiquement inclus dans les études s’ils sont existants.

Texts designed for Etablissement Recevant du Public (ERP) and impacting industrial buildings

A number of texts define the design rules to be respected for the construction and operation of an ERP (Établissement Recevant du Public) .
Sur retiendra notamment :

  • Order of June 25, 1980 approving the general provisions of the safety regulations against fire and panic risks in establishments open to the public. It should be taken into account when planning tours and parking facilities.
  • IT246 & IT263 Smoke extraction rules to be taken into account following the decree of August 5, 1992.


The standards which are fundamental to ERP (Établissement Recevant du Public) are less important in Établissements Recevant des Travailleurs and Installations Classées pour la Protection de l’Environnement (Classified Installations for Environmental Protection) .
Elles sont en effet d’application obligatoire dès lors qu’elles sont mentionnées dans des textes de loi.
Ou le
Labor Code and Environnement with little reference to fire safety.

The French standards association (AFNOR) publishes French standards .
A noter que
fire safety standards are generally not enforceable with the exception of SSI coordination for ERP .

Atossa recommends as soon as the necessary regulations are in place standards insurers’ standards (APSAD – NFPA) for other for all other cases.

  • NFS61-931: General provisions
  • NFS61-932: Installation rules for fire safety systems (S.M.S.I.)
  • NFS61-970: Installation rules for fire detection systems (S.D.I.)

EOLIOS helps you manage your fire risks

EOLIOS offers fire safety engineering services to support companies in the protection of their facilities and the fire risk prevention .

Our team of fire safety experts are able to carry out a complete survey of your premises to determine the safety measures required to prevent fires and protect people and property .

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