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Air pollution study

EOLIOS specializes in air quality studies

We can help you understand the risks associated with pollution on the scale of cities, buildings and systems.


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Outdoor air pollution

Air quality in the city

Outdoor air pollution is one of today’s major environmental problems. Urban areas are characterized by a wide range of pollutant sources, such as building heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, traffic, industry, and even certain tree species that promote allergenic risks.

Urban air pollution is associated with a wide range of acute and chronic health effects.

CFD study of the impact of an industry on air quality

Moreover, outdoor air quality also affects indoor air quality through mechanical and/or natural ventilation, where indoor air is replaced by outdoor air. On the other hand, in highly ventilated areas, wind comfort and wind safety for pedestrians can be adversely affected. Therefore, in every practical situation, a compromise has to be found between urban ventilation for outdoor and indoor air quality on the one hand and pedestrian wind comfort and wind safety on the other.

Urban wind flow is strongly linked to urban morphology as a combination of urban density, building layout, shape and individual dimensions.

Urban pollution flows can be assessed using large-scale measurements.

Example of CFD modeling of a thermal plume

The following video presents a sample of CFD projects related to particle dispersion and flow modeling. These projects cover a range of applications focusing on exhaust emissions, gas dispersion and particle flux.
The main aim of many of these analyses is to track specified minor species (gases, dust, etc.) and ensure that they are not drawn in by other systems or for fresh office air.

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Modeling the propagation of industrial air pollution

CFD modelling methodology for urban pollution

The nature of the dispersion of cold or hot chemical air pollution and dust from all sources is influenced by the local wind regime.

When the wind circulates around an urbanized or highly rough site, its speed and direction change: vortices on different scales can form; for each wind direction, local phenomena are formed where the wind slows down or accelerates, others where the wind vortices are stronger or weaker, where the concentration of pollutants is higher or lower.
For these reasons, pollutant propagation parameters are not the same for different wind directions.

Wind is unstable and characterized by an uneven repeatability of directions and speeds, generally illustrated by the wind rose.
These data can be obtained for each locality from the results of long-term meteorological observations.
Combining the results of wind flux calculations for all wind directions, taking into account the frequency of these directions, can show the uneven distribution of mean annual pollutant concentrations downstream of emission zones.

Analysis of these factors can help solve the following problems:

  • Study the impact of odors in the city or in the vicinity of an industrial, agricultural or waste reprocessing site.
  • Study the impact on environmental safety by identifying areas where the maximum allowable concentration (MAC) of pollutants may be exceeded.
  • Analyze the uneven distribution of residual pollutant concentrations.
  • Impact study in the event of accidental pollutant release.

Air & wind: on the same subject