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Our Air & Wind resources

Explore our Air & Wind resources.

Our technical files:

Our technical dossiers cover a wide range of subjects, including fluid mechanics,aerodynamics, atmospheric pressure, turbulence, airflow modeling, the impact of wind speed on structures, and much more.

As you explore our dossiers, you’ll discover detailed explanations of the physical principles governing the movement of air and wind, as well as practical information on the various applications of these concepts in fields such asaeronautics,wind energy, air conditioning,bioclimatic architecture and even sport!

At EOLIOS, we’re passionate about air and wind, and we hope our resources will help you better understand and appreciate these fascinating natural phenomena.
Please enjoy your visit, and don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions.

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CFD simulation of the thermo-aerodynamic effects of an industrial plant in an urban area

Discover our Air & Wind technical files:

Image présentant les phénomènes aérodynamique d'un peloton de cycliste - simulation mécanique des fluides CFD

CFD simulation of the aerodynamic phenomena of a peloton of cyclists

The performance of cyclists in a peloton is largely influenced by the fluid dynamics developing around them. Here, EOLIOS presents an aerodynamic study of various cases.

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CFD simulation of drag: advanced calculation to improve aerodynamics

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Simulation CFD d'une centrale solaire avec panneaux solaires sous vents extrêmes.

Impact of wind on a solar power plant

In-depth study of wind pressure on a solar power plant, to optimize panel design and reduce steel tonnage

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Pressure loss and hydraulic resistance

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Etude des recirculations - aérotherme 2

Legionnaires’ disease and cooling towers

Legionella and cooling towers: Understanding the risks and precautions to take

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Étude CFD sur le confort piétonnier à La Défense en haute résolution.

Pedestrian comfort criteria and mapping

Overview of pedestrian comfort criteria

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Centrale solaire

Extreme wind study – Solar power plant

Extreme wind studies for solar power plant design

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Thermal draft effect

The thermal draft effect is due to the difference in density between warm and cold air, and to the force of gravity.

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CFD simulation: An alternative to wind tunnel testing

CFD simulation and modeling are much easier than wind tunnel testing. They make excellent alternatives.

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Pressure study

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What is CFD simulation?

In this article we will focus on understanding CFD simulation in a general way, detailing the various stages common to different types of simulation.

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