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Stratification of a thermal storage tank

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EOLIOS Engineering has designed a thermal storage system by inertia allowing the valorization of heat pump waste heat.


Stratification of a thermal storage tank








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Description of the project

Association with a heat pump :

As part of the design of a thermal inertia storage system, EOLIOS ingénierie teams were able to optimize a hot water storage tank using CFD simulation. The aim of the study was initially to investigate a complete storage/retrieval cycle for water produced by a chiller energy recovery system. From the technical characteristics of the heat generation source, the loading/emptying times could be established according to different stored buffer volumes.

What is the thermocline in a hot water storage tank?

Visit thermocline is a neckche from leat which go to holeve à a somee profwaveur and which a a température différente from leat situee at dessus and at dessWe. Dyears a ballon deat chaude, the thermocline go to forme entre leat chaude at haut and water more froide at bottom. He is an invisible layer that separates the two layers of water according to their temperature.

Why is this important in thermal storage sizing?

Visit thermocline is importante for the stockage thermique because elthe permet from handtenir the température from leat chaude more longtemps. The objective is a heterogeneous storage to optimize the phase shift. If this layer is disturbed, then the thermal stratification is not perfect, which can lead to heat loss and unnecessary energy consumption. Optimizing the thermal store also allows the heat pump to operate more efficientlyand to produce more heat at lower cost.

Why integrate storage levels in a hot water tank?

Visit paliers limitant the brassage from leat shave importants dyears a ballon from stockage thermique because its empêchent the training da neckche chaude and froide separatee. Cela permet daméliorer lefficacity from the pompe à chaleur at refromisant visit peryour from chaleur and at handtenant the température from leat à a niveat optimal. The bearings limiting the mixing of the water must be designed according to the loading speed of the tank. The shorter the time between cycles, the smaller the steps must be to prevent the formation of homogeneous heat layers. Bearings should also be designed according to the type of heat pump used, as some heat pumps may require larger bearings than others.

How can thermal storage tanks be used to optimize the performance of a heat pump?

Visit dicephasage is a technique which permet from regulate the flow of heat entre the thermal storage tank and the thermal source. Cette méthode consiste à checkôler the hardee and lintensity à thequit leat chaude is pumpee from ballon for handtenir the température à a niveat optimal. This processus permet from reduce energy consumption and to maximize the return from the pompe à chaleur.

Visit stockage thermique peut être utilisé for optimiser lefficacity da pompe à chaleur at permandtant à leat chaude from store heat longer. Cela permet à the pompe à chaleur from fonctionner more efficacement and from produire more from chaleur à moindre coût. From more, the stockage thermique peut reduce peaks from consommation dénergy, to allow lutilisateur from benéficier from tarifs more avantageux and recovering waste heat.

Optimization of thermal storage by CFD simulation

EOLIOS Ingénierie used these initial dimensioning elements to carry out transient CFD simulations of the storage tank loading and unloading cycle. These time studies made it possible to determine the temperatures of the water extracted from the storage tank, so as to optimize the Air/Water heat pumps supplied by the storage tanks.
Finally, the design of the tank was optimized by the use of trays to promote thermal stratification in the tank, followed by the design of a transfer device devised by the EOLIOS teams. This stratification system has been patented by the EOLIOS teams.

Design and dimensioning of storage systems based on thermal stratification

Video summary of the study

Visit thermocline is a neckche invisible dyears a ballon deat chaude which sépare visit neckches deat go tolon theur température. Elthe is importante for the stockage thermique because elthe permet from handtenir the température from leat chaude more longtemps and from reguler the température for a consommation dénergie more efficiente. Visit stockage thermique peut également être utilisé for optimising the efficiency of a heat pump and for refromire visit peaks from consommation dénergie. Visit dicephasage is a technique which permet from reguler the flows from chaleur entre the ballon and the source thermique. Visit thermal stratification must be perfect afin doptimiser the makesement from the pompe à chaleur and from reduce heat loss.

Below is a video synthesis of the studies that led to the design and optimization of a storage system based on waste heat.

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