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Glassworks – Vosges

In a few words

EOLIOS has studied precisely the natural ventilation of a glass factory in order to optimize the air quality and the comfort of the operators.


Vosges Glassworks









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Description of the project

The thermal comfort of industrialoperators exposed to high temperatures is very important. Workers need to be comfortable if they are to work safely and efficiently. There are several ways to improve thermal comfort in these environments.

Preventive measures telles that lutilisation da ventilation and lutilisation déthatipements from protection staffthe adéthatats, as of vêtements légers and breathingants and of Monandtes from protection, peuwind aider à reduce the risk of overheating and improve thermal comfort.

Glass bottles are usually formed using a technique called blowing. In this process, a ball of molten glass is blown into a bottle-shaped mold. The edges of the ball are then stretched and rolled to form the bottle. Once the process is finished, the bottle is cooled, polished. and is ready to be packed and shipped.

Creation of a digital study model

The creation of the model of the plant was carried out by taking into account the topology of the site with a great precision in order to be able to capture at most the evolution of the air flows. This digital twin takes up precisely the different sets of beams, the air volumes as well as the surrounding buildings.

This high level of precision in the creation of the digital twin translates into a clear improvement in the accuracy and relevance of the results obtained during CFD simulation.

Schéma de l'aéraulique de deux machines IS - Verrerie
Study model 3 of a glass factory

Study of natural ventilation

The natural ventilation of a glass factory is a ventilation system that uses outside air to evacuate hot or stale air from inside the workshop. The system uses static aerators that are strategically placed to take advantage of outside air currents and the upward force of warm air to create an aeration air stream. Outside air is drawn in through openings located near the ground and warm air is expelled through openings located near the roof. Windows and doors are also used to help create air movement. If mastered, these systems can be very effective in providing sufficient ventilation for the operators.

Natural ventilation in industry is a system that works by using the force of the wind to create an air flow inside the buildings. The system is based on the principle of thermal convection, which is a natural process of heat transfer based on the temperature difference between the air inside and the air outside.

Optimization of air quality and thermal comfort

CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) simulation has helped optimize natural ventilation in industry by providing accurate and up-to-date information on the efficiency of ventilation systems.

The simulations CFD peuwind être utilisées for simuler and analyseer the behavior of fluids inside da usine and ainsi identify areas where ventilation can be improved. The simulations CFD peuwind également être utilisées for determiner the as toity dair nécessarea for a ventilation optimale and permandtre at entreplugs dutiliser moins dénergie for theon ventilation.

The simulations CFD have également permis daméliorer the checkôthe and the distribution of flows dair à lintérieon from lusine, this which a permis more efficient and safer ventilation.

Video summary of the study

This vidéo from simulation thermo aéraulics da wormrerie mountre the temperature and air velocity distribution in the plant. Elthe says how the différents systèmy from lusine shave intégrs and interagissent the some awith the autres.

Thus, our engineering mission thermo aéraulics allowed to validate how ventilation could be improved for améliorer the quality from lair and the temperature ofyears lusine.

Inend, we have aider à compmakesre how the différents systèmy from lusine could être optimiss for améliorer efficiency and reduce costs.

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