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Sizing of natural draft extractor hoods

Sizing of natural draft extractor hoods

EOLIOS Ingénierie realized the dimensioning of extractor hoods in natural draft for an industrial production hall.


Sizing of natural draft extractor hoods








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Description of the mission

Natural draft sizing for burners with hoods

In the context of an industrial production hall equipped with gas burner systems, EOLIOS Ingénierie’s teams designed heat extraction hoods using natural ventilation. High-precision CFD simulations were carried out using an existing CFD model, which took into account all the dimensioning phenomena, such as the aeraulic connection of a space with high negative pressure, the shape of the roof, and the impact of surrounding buildings, particularly the distribution of different heat sources.

Study of natural draft by CFD simulation

The calculation of the natural draught is decisive for the dimensioning of the ventilation and air conditioning systems. However, there are many variables that affect the performance of the system and this can make it difficult to predict .

CFD (computational fluid dynamics) simulation is a very effective tool for modeling flows and ventilation processes, and it is very useful for studying systems based on natural drafts. These simulations offer accuracy and flexibility that can help understand fluid behavior and improve the design of ventilation systems. It was able to help predict fluid behavior, determine the effect of pressure changes, and estimate the airflow rate out of the systems. It could also be used to study the system under critical conditions.

Simulation CFD d'une usine - Bout Chaud - Etirage - Bout Froid - Four avec feeders et gouttes
Plan of the CFD modeling of the plant

What main criteria were taken into account to calculate the thermal draft?

In the CFD study conducted by EOLIOS all the dimensioning factors were taken into account. First, the 3D model accurately reflects the size and shape of the parts, their location, orientation and interface with the exterior.

In this way, we were able to determine pressure coefficients in relation to meteorological conditions and the particular topography of the site. Next, we determined the set of heat sources and their effects on the internal airflow.

Other boundary conditions such as hot and cold air sources (fans), parasitic air inlets and outlets, and internal obstacles that could affect air flow have been integrated.

Conception d'une hotte tirage naturel - extraction de calorie - vitesse et température
Simulation CFD d'une usine - étude des vitesses d'air - tirage naturel - bruleur gaz équipés de hottes
System sized for natural ventilation

What were the main conclusions of this mission?

EOLIOS Ingénierie, engineering office in fluid mechanics, utilisCFD simulation for prédire and optimiser natural ventilation dyears of applications industrielles. In the course of this study, the hoods were dimensioned on the basis of the main process constraints, and the correct operation of the thermal draught was established. Parasitic effects of internal air displacement, resulting from the operation of ventilation systems, were identified and corrected at the design stage.

To go further on the understanding of the phenomena governing the natural thermal draft:

Video summary of the study

EOLIOS Engineering, a office detude spécialisé in mécanics of fluides, a utilisé the simulation CFD for the dimensionnement of hottes dextraction from calories in ventilation naturelthe dyears a hall industriel equipped with gas burner systems. For cela, of simulations CFD from haute précision have eté effectuées for prendre in compte the différents phénameènes dimensionnants tels that natural ventilation openings, the forme from the toiture and limpact of bâtiments invironmentnants. The facteurs pris in compte dyears the calculation from shootingage thermics comprennent the coefficients from pression, the sources from chaleon, the sources dair chaud and froid, the entrées and the spellies dair parasites and the obstacles internes. In the end, EOLIOS engineers were able to successfully size the hoods.

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Sizing of natural draft extractor hoods