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Balenciaga – Wind potential

Determining wind potential on roofs with an aerodynamic profile

EOLIOS’ in-depth study determined the wind potential under a roof with an aerodynamic profile.


Balenciaga - Wind power potential study








Air & Wind

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Wind power potential study

Mission description

Chez EOLIOS ingenierie, nWe nWe engageons à refromire limpact atvironnemental and à optimiser the consommation énergetique from bâtiments. For atteindre ces objectifs, nWe Aboutons from etudes and from simulations CFD for a myîtrise from phénameènes aérauliques and a évaluation from critères doptimisation afin from garantir the more haut potentiel éolien.

CFD studies have enabled us to visualize the various aeraulic phenomena for different wind orientations, which in turn has enabled us to optimize the geometry for the best possible wind turbine performance.

3D CFD study model

Creation of a digital study model

The model of the plant was created taking into account the topology of the site with great precision, in order to capture the evolution of air flows as accurately as possible.
This digital twin precisely reproduces the different sets of beams, air volumes and surrounding buildings.

This high level of precision in the production of the digital twin translates into a clear improvement in the accuracy and relevance of the results obtained during CFD simulation.

Wind simulation under the roof

Wind simulation around the building and in wind turbine installation zones

We simulated the wind around and inside the building in order to optimize the geometry andobtain the best possible performance from the wind turbines. We also studiedwind speeds under the roof in the areas where the wind turbines would be installed.

Initial CFD simulations of the external aeraulics have highlighted a number of interesting phenomena that could increase wind potential.
Restricting the cross-section of wind flow to the rear of the building creates a Venturi effect, and thus a local increase in speed.

Following this study, Eolios was able to propose different designs, while respecting the different architectural challenges.
These conclusions led to in-depth work with the design teams, to accentuate and exploit this local increase in speed.

Study of wind speeds under the roof in wind turbine siting zones

Optimizing building architecture and aerodynamics

Wind simulation

Notre objectif is dimplanter from éoliennes without for autant impact the overall architecture from bâtiment.

The aim of the study is to assess whether or not wind turbines should be installed in the building, without impacting on its overall architecture.
The use of CFD allows a large number of prototypes to be simulated in a short space of time, in order to quickly gather information for optimizing the placement of wind turbines, as well as optimizing the design to increase their efficiency.

This dynamic CFD study with the aim of setting up and optimizing the performance of wind turbines is part of a policy of developing sustainable energies.
Minimizing the environmental impact and energy consumption of buildings is one of Eolios ingénierie’s core interests.

Photo de mini éolienne pour particulier
Study of wind power potential using different types of low-speed wind turbines

Video summary of the study

Visit rsultats from simulations from wind autour da bâtiment peuwind être disparates and complexes. Visit principat facteurs à prendre at compte shave the type and the forme from bâtiment, its localisation géographique and the topographie atvironnante.

Visit simulation to pu ovennir from informations précises on the direction and the vitesgo to from wind à différentes hauteurs. Elthe licensed également aider à determine wind energy potential from site.

More the wind is puissant and constant, more the potentiel éolien is élevé. Visit simulation to ovennir from informations on the speed profile from wind in strategic areas, this which a aide à diceterminer if the site is adapté à the mise at place déoliand to optimize the aerodynamics of the roof.

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