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Smoke control engineering – Restaurant area – Type N

ISI study (fire safety engineering) - Verification of smoke extraction efficiency in a restaurant area

As part of a building restructuring project, EOLIOS is leveraging its expertise in numerical simulation, in particular through the application of CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) techniques, forfire safety engineering (FSE). Our approach in this study focuses specifically on the qualification of smoke extraction systems in the context of a design change. By modeling aeraulic and fluid dynamic movements, CFD simulation offers crucial information on the smoke and temperatures that will develop in and around structures.

The core of this study is to evaluate the optimal operation of smoke extraction systems with the installation of full-height partitions in a building. Occupant protection and safety are key priorities and a major challenge for the project. To assess smoke extraction functionality, two configurations were studied: one with four full-height partitions and the other combining one full-height partition with three other partitions partially open in height.

EOLIOS is committed to providing customized solutions through advanced CFD simulations, carefully evaluating all identified issues to ensure maximum safety of your smoke extraction system.

Configuration 1 - 4 full-height partitions
Configuration 2 - 1 full-height partition & 3 other open partitions at the top

Smoke control & fire safety


ISI study (fire safety engineering) - Verification of smoke extraction efficiency in a type N restaurant area








Smoke Control & Fire Safety

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Smoke and its dangers - Commitment to safety and compliance with standards

In the event of a fire in a building, smoke represents a major hazard because of its ability to obstruct escape routes, its toxic fumes and its ability to reduce visibility. In fact, “smoke inhalation is the main cause of morbidity and mortality among fire victims” (

Compliance with safety standards such as NF EN 13.945 and NF EN 13.571 is essential to reduce these risks and ensure occupant safety. EOLIOS works in compliance with these regulations, while integrating its CFD simulation expertise to assess thesmoke ventilation engineering of the study.

The 5 dangers of smoke

  1. Toxicity : Smoke is composed of elements highly toxic, such as monoxide and carbon dioxide, which can cause serious illness. serious health problems, including suffocation irritation and critical drop in ambient oxygen levels. Even a slight decrease in oxygen can lead to  severe disabilities, or even dead.
  2. Opacity : The carbon particles present darken the smoke, making itdifficult to evacuate and increasing the panic. This opacity can also  jeopardize the efficiency of the emergency services and cause additional property damage.
  3. Flammability : Smoke can transport fire by convection and radiation. Phenomena such as theGeneralized Flash Fire (GFE) and theSmoke Explosion (SE) highlight its  hazardous in enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces.
  4. Heat : Smoke can cause burns and major property damage due to thehigh temperatures   it contains.
  5. Mobility : The propagation speed of smoke, generally between  0.20 cm and 1 m/s, can be calculated to assess the time required to invade a given space.

Using the CFD, it is possible to forecast smoke movements, to ensure that the emergency exits remain accessible and the  smoke extraction systems effectively reach safety objectives. As part of this study, which involves the evaluation of the  creation of new spaces with natural ventilationEOLIOS provides the project owner with its expertise to observe theeffectiveness of the smoke extraction system. Our aim is to point out any  potential risk.

Graph of smoke hazards as a function of temperature

The now moisture-laden air escapes from the tower via fans at the top. The cooled water, meanwhile, is collected in a tank at the bottom of the tower, then pumped back to the cooling system. This process takes place continuously, ensuring efficient cooling and the maintenance of a stable temperature inside the building. The main objective is to ensure efficient cooling of the offices by validating the sizing and layout of the TAR systems on the roof. The aim is also toimprove the overall performance and energy efficiency of the RACs in order to minimize energy consumption. Theaim of this study is to validate the sizing and implementation of TAR systems on the building’s roof. To this end, three parameters will be used: temperatures, velocities and humidities around the TARs.

EOLIOS expertise: Fire characterization using CFD simulation

Developing fire scenarios

This initial phase is crucial for defining the essential stages of each fire scenario, anchoring parameters such as :

Focus position and characterization: Strategic placement according to simulation objectives and systems under study.

Structural and system variables: These have a direct influence on the development and spread of fires.

The methodology employed is based on a volume heat source model, in which the essence of the combustion phenomenon(flame) is not simulated, but the thermal and toxic effects resulting from combustion are integrated. This model imposes a source of heat and toxic products in a predetermined volume, representing the flame zone of the fire.

Importance of the study scenario

Each study scenario is composed of a design solution, initial conditions, and a localized fire scenario. A single fire scenario integrates various design solutions for effective comparison. It is not possible to cover all potential cases, but we ensure that each scenario represents plausible versions based on rigorous analysis.

Defining a fire zone

Strategic home locations

The ability to accurately assess the sizing of smoke extraction systems depends largely on the strategic location of the fireplaces. We have adopted a conservative approach, maximizing factors such as smoke path, detection time, andheat and smoke accumulation. Scenarios are chosen to reflect typical“worst case” scenarios, meeting safety requirements.

Sequential representation of life-safety measures

3D modeling for smoke extraction

As part of the study, particular attention is paid to precise, detailed 3D modeling of the interconnections between the building’s various spaces, such as staircases, corridors and doors. This is an important step in identifying and analyzing all elements likely to interfere with the passage of smoke. We guarantee an accurate geometric representation to a scale of around 10 cm, taking into account the specific constraints of the software used. This precision ensures effective analysis of smoke behaviour across all aeraulically interconnected spaces. By integrating all the parties concerned, we avoid limiting the study area to an excessively restricted scale effect, thus guaranteeing global and relevant modeling.

In the CFD model, the emphasis is on reproducing fixed obstacles such as permanent furniture. This approach makes it possible to focus the analysis on fluid dynamics and accurately simulate smoke extraction paths.

3D CFD model for smoke ventilation engineering

Smoke extraction simulation results: Design validation

As part of our smoke extraction study, and in accordance with ISO 23932, we analyzed the two partition configurations across three fire scenarios (Fires A, B and C) to ensure optimum protection of people. With regard to the evolution of visibility through smoke, the results showed that at no time, even 10 minutes after the start of the fire, was the critical visibility criterion, representing a smoke opacity of less than 20m, exceeded for the two configurations analyzed. Similarly, when analyzing temperatures, simulations show that the disruptive threshold of 40°C is not reached, even after 10 minutes of fire. These data are essential for assessing evacuation and fire safety conditions in enclosed environments.
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SDS modeling of a restaurant fire
For Fire B and C scenarios, the visibility and temperature criteria follow the same pattern as for Fire A, reinforcing the validity of the configurations tested. Overall, these results indicate that the smoke extraction system is robust, and the required normative criteria are met well before the TMSP, estimated at 2min30. In other words,occupant evacuation is assured under the conditions tested, enabling them to reach a safe area without hindrance.
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SDS modeling of a restaurant fire
Our findings underline the functionality and efficiency of both configurations, whether 4 full-height partitions or a single full-height partition accompanied by lower partitions allowing smoke to pass through. These arrangements guarantee easy evacuation, without compromising the safety of the occupants. This study underlines the importance of rigorous assessment and multi-stakeholder consultation when setting up effective fire safety systems.
Fire A - Visibility through smoke at t = 10min - 4 full-height partitions (left) - 1 full-height partition & 3 other partitions open at the top (right)
Fire A - Temperature distribution at t = 10min - 4 full-height partitions (left) - 1 full-height partition & 3 other partitions open at the top (right)
Fire B - Visibility through smoke at t = 10min - 4 full-height partitions (left) - 1 full-height partition & 3 other partitions open at the top (right)
Fire B - Temperature distribution at t = 10min - 4 full-height partitions (left) - 1 full-height partition & 3 other partitions open at the top (right)
Fire C - Visibility through smoke at t = 10min - 4 full-height partitions (left) - 1 full-height partition & 3 other partitions open at the top (right)
Fire C - Temperature distribution at t = 10min - 4 full-height partitions (left) - 1 full-height partition & 3 other partitions open at the top (right)

EOLIOS - Smoke control design office

At EOLIOS, we are dedicated to supporting you in the design or evaluation of your smoke extraction systems, ensuring the safety and protection of your buildings and their occupants. We are committed to precise, efficient system design.

Our expertise in CFD simulation enables us to analyze aeraulic dynamics, identifying smoke trajectories and potentially critical areas where accumulations can occur. By integrating these analyses, we ensure optimum airflow distribution and minimize points where smoke could stagnate, thereby reducing risks to human safety.

We rigorously assess the efficiency of smoke extraction systems, enabling you to validate and optimize their performance in the most unfavorable scenarios.

Video summary of the study

Summary of the study

At EOLIOS, we are dedicated to supporting you in the design or evaluation of your smoke extraction systems, ensuring the safety and protection of your buildings and their occupants. We are committed to precise, efficient system design.

Our expertise in CFD simulation enables us to analyze aeraulic dynamics, identifying smoke trajectories and potentially critical areas where accumulations can occur. By integrating these analyses, we ensure optimum airflow distribution and minimize points where smoke could stagnate, thereby reducing risks to human safety.

We rigorously assess the efficiency of smoke extraction systems, enabling you to validate and optimize their performance in the most unfavorable scenarios.

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Video summary of the smoke ventilation engineering mission

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