Smoke audit
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EOLIOS has developed a unique and recognized expertise in the in-situ analysis of thermo-aerodynamic air movements.
- Understanding real air displacement
- Identification of dead zones
- CFD model calibration
- Thermal-air comfort measurement
- Identifying parasitic air inlets
- Monitoring thermal plumes
- Identifying recirculation problems
- Followed by removal of pollutants
- Checking fire safety systems
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Thermo-aerodynamic audit: Smoke test
Why carry out smoke tests as part of a thermoaerulic study?
Smoke tests are carried out as part of thermo-aerodynamic studies to visualize and understand air and heat flows in a given space.
These tests can be used to determinepollutant dispersion, analyze air flows, detect undesirable air currents, validate numerical simulation models, optimize the design of ventilation systems, etc.
The use of artificial smoke in these tests facilitates the visualization of air movements, as it is easy to spot and follow visually.
By creating a uniform, controlled distribution of smoke in the environment under study, it is possible to highlight mixing zones, air inlets and outlets, recirculations, leaks and other aeraulic phenomena such as dead zones.
These smoke tests help optimize the thermal and aeraulic performance of buildings, ventilation systems, industrial environments, heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) equipment, and so on. They improve occupant comfort, guaranteeindoor air quality and optimize building energy efficiency, reduce fire risksetc.
In short, smoke tests are an integral part of thermo-aerodynamic studies, as they provide valuable visual information on air flows and pollutant dispersion, and help validate numerical simulations, thus contributing to the design and optimization of ventilation and heating systems.
Smoke audit videos
A video montage in the form of a film lasting a few minutes will be produced.
The videos of the various smoke phenomena will be commented on live, and these explanations will be supplemented in the measurement report.
These videos are particularly effective for understanding in-situ the thermo-aerodynamic mechanisms at work in buildings.
The film will detail the smoke protocol and will simply explain the aeraulic phenomena observed.
Example of smoke tests to identify the recirculation of hot air masses in the workshop, causing significant overheating in summer.
Thermo-aerodynamic audit: Measurement campaign
Objective and protocol
The aim is to assess the systems in place, measure interior temperature conditions and characterize the main thermo-aerodynamic conditions of the space, in order to draw up a balance sheet of the installations in place.
In industry, we can carry out smoke audits to calibrate numerical simulations against actual phenomena.
Among other things, the audit consists of taking air temperature and air speed measurements , analyzing the movement of smoke bombs, producing a video support and an audit report allowing feedback of experience for all the actors.
Additional recommendations (use of louvers, cellar access doors, etc.) will be made based on the various observations on site.
This page outlines the audit process and explains our audit protocol.
Prior to the measurement campaign, meteorological data (temperature, wind speed and direction) will be recorded in an open area and at the enclosure.
Two stand-alone temperature and humidity sensors will be used to continuously record outdoor conditions during the measurement phase.
For special sites, particularly during the production phase, the measurement phase must be supervised by the site teams.
During this preparation phase, the measurement protocol will be explained to the site teams who have been informed of our intervention.
Before the tests are launched, the production team leaders will once again be informed of the current mission protocol, to avoid any incidents during the release of test fumes.
Air measurements
Smoke tests are carried out using a ” warm ” smoke machine to generate a large quantity of smoke in the volume.
This type of smoke makes it possible todetect macroscopic movements inside volumes.
The fumes are generated using a water- and glycol-based liquid that is non-polluting and ERP-approved.
We proceed in successive stages, from air inlets to test fume extraction.
The aim is tostudy aeraulic trends in buildings.
By analyzing flows in existing configurations and estimating temperatures for a given configuration, it will be possible to define the impact of design on the thermal environment.
A series of air velocity readings will enable us to define the main aeraulic trends in the volume and determine infiltration rates at inlets (basement, vents, windows, etc.).
For air measurements, each measuring point will be characterized by :
- Its location
- Average air speed over a period of (minimum 15 seconds).
- Propeller anemometer for speeds > 1m/s (e.g. door opening).
- Omnidirectional ambient anemometer for speeds < 1 m/s
- Air temperature
- Flow direction
The various measurement points will be located and photographed to facilitate identification in the report.
The report will also include simplified diagrams representing directional air flows.
A mapping of the phenomena will retrace the circulations of the air veins observed in a schematic manner.
The yellow arrows represent modifications that we made to the buildings (free action of the operators) to test the different air streams resulting from it .
The discomfort zones will be identified on these diagrams if available.
On the other hand, smoke tests can be carried out in pollutant-emitting areas to check that fumes are being properly evacuated, or to explain the origins of pollutant recirculation problems.
Infrared thermography study
In parallel, particularly for sites with high heat generation and very high-temperature surfaces influencing the building’s aeraulics, we are planning an additional study phase using a thermal camera.
This type of tool can be used to produce photos and videos identifying the temperature of any surface using an infrared reflection system. These thermographic readings will be used not only to identify thermal phenomena linked to excessively intense radiative exchanges (proximity of furnace envelope, stagnation of hot air mass, etc.), but also to serve as a basis for calibrating simulation input parameters.
Infrared thermography study in a positive cold room
Other measures are also possible, depending on the phenomena observed on site and the issues under study.
Sharing results: Audit report, airflow diagram, videos
The audit report will summarize all on-site measurements and observations.
Temperature levels and air velocities for workstations will be clearly presented. Sources of discomfort, if any, and their origins will be presented and illustrated. This report includes all smoke videos, thermal cameras and measurements taken.
Recommendations for use may be made on the basis of the engineers’ observations in the light of their expertise and on-site observations.
A comparison and a critical reading of the numerical simulations carried out during the design will be carried out.
The objective will be to identify any differences between the numerical analysis and reality in order to determine the causes (poor entry condition in the numerical simulation, particular phenomena, etc.).