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Smoke control engineering (ISI)

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Smoke control engineering

Fire safety and smoke extraction system design: Ensuring occupant safety

It is imperative to design facilities with adequate occupant safety and compliance with fire safety regulations in mind.
Our studies help architects and engineers simulate fire and smoke propagation to design smoke extraction systems for buildings, subways and other facilities open to the public.

The objective is to evaluate and understand the airflow pattern and smoke propagation over time in the space concerned during a fire.
The study also highlights potential design improvements by monitoring airflow patterns, identification of dead air pockets, assessment of average air age, fan projection, and building air velocities.
It is possible to evaluate the performance of the smoke control system using CFD analysis and study the smoke movement, temperature and visibility profile under various fire scenarios.

At the same time, we may need to carry out evacuation studies to reinforce the relevance of the evacuation scenarios selected.

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CFD simulation of smoke propagation over time

We produce :

  • Regulatory calculation note
  • Fire and smoke extraction simulations
  • Transient calculation of smoke distribution
  • Transient temperature calculations
  • Optimization of regulatory, technical and organizational fire protection design

Optimizing fire protection and smoke extraction

When it comes to complex buildings, existing directives and regulations are sometimes too general to be able to reliably assess the interactions between a fire and the development of smoke gases. As a result, the technical solution may not be fully validated by regulations such as IT246 , andan unfavorable opinion may be issued by the inspection office even though the smoke extraction system is functional.

When creating a smoke extraction concept, we use calculation methods that take into account the interaction between :

  • Room ventilation and fire location
  • Smoke fire and blown air
  • Fire smoke and exhaust air
  • Thermal and ambient pressure
  • The impact of an unfavorable wind
  • Start-up time for mechanical systems

Numerical simulation is used to calculate smoke, temperature and pressure curves as a function of time.

  • the height of the smoke layer (clearance)
  • temperature distribution in spaces
  • flue gas concentration distribution
  • the temporal and spatial evolution of flue gas propagation
  • Study of visibility through smoke

CFD simulation can be used to model complex buildings and spaces.
It can be used to model smoke development, temperature and pressure curves as a function of time.

In this way, we are able to justify the design of smoke extraction for complex buildings and large atria.

Modeling visibility through smoke

The ability to see through smoke defines the distance at which an evacuation sign can be seen from a smoke-filled environment. Our studies enable us to define this distance as a function of the resulting air flow, the type of fire, the location of the fire and the properties of the heat load.

This information helps designers to determine the location of exit signs in enclosed environments, and to check that clearances remain perfectly passable.
When smoke fills a room, the visibility of exit signs is vital for safe evacuation .

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We provide the necessary justification to the inspection authorities

Thanks to fire and smoke extraction simulations, we can determine at an early stage which smoke extraction systems and various natural ventilation openings are compliant.
We analyze smoke nests in trapped areas and make structural and technical suggestions to keep escape routes smoke-free. With the help of videos, we can illustrate the propagation of smoke gases and thus agree on the necessary measures in consultation with all those involved in the design.

Smoke distribution in corridors with different smoke extraction configurations

We organize discussions with the inspection authorities, so as to justify the design in terms of the standard’s interpretation. Our many years of experience in major projects are particularly advantageous in this context.

Smoke control engineering: on the same subject